Thursday, June 26, 2008

New Job?

Well, I guess all sorts of things are about to change. I'm off to a job offer for something that is totally new for me. I'm fairly excited but will possibly share more in the next day or so (if I say yes).

In the meantime, I have become somewhat obsessed with Vanity Fair and especially their website. If you would like to become similarly obsessed, check it out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What you may find here

So again, it would be safe to say that there is almost no topic that is safe on this blog. I get rant-y on many topics, though I do intend to ramble more than rant.

Today, I'm still Youtubing a lot of George Carlin and, strangely, Tim Russert. I say strangely because I cannot recall ever once watching Meet The Press. (Being Canadian and therefore not closely following American politics might explain this somewhat.)

I feel like I SHOULD have watched more Meet the Press in light of the fact that Russert seems like he may have been the nicest person alive, let alone on a political talk show! Certainly, the clips I've seen of those who feel his loss more than I ever will have nothing but the utmost respect for him and, perhaps because of this, I feel like we've truly lost a gentleman newscaster. :(

But onto George Carlin. Of course we all remember the Seven Words, but there was sooooooooo much more. (When I say we all, I am excluding my friend, who shall remain nameless, who somehow confused Carlin for George Burns - a true genius in his own right but COME ON!!!!!!!)

Vanity Fair put up a really great HBO special yesterday. What Am I Doing In New Jersey was a great sample of his ramblings and rants.

Of course, there's more, but for today (or at least for now), that's what I have going on in that space between my ears.

New Blog, New Ideas?

Well, once again, I've decided to blog. I can't say with any real certainty what will come of this, what I'll write about, or when I'll write about what I'll write about!

What I can say is I've decided to stop talking about starting a blog and actually start writing one.

We'll see how it goes.