Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What you may find here

So again, it would be safe to say that there is almost no topic that is safe on this blog. I get rant-y on many topics, though I do intend to ramble more than rant.

Today, I'm still Youtubing a lot of George Carlin and, strangely, Tim Russert. I say strangely because I cannot recall ever once watching Meet The Press. (Being Canadian and therefore not closely following American politics might explain this somewhat.)

I feel like I SHOULD have watched more Meet the Press in light of the fact that Russert seems like he may have been the nicest person alive, let alone on a political talk show! Certainly, the clips I've seen of those who feel his loss more than I ever will have nothing but the utmost respect for him and, perhaps because of this, I feel like we've truly lost a gentleman newscaster. :(

But onto George Carlin. Of course we all remember the Seven Words, but there was sooooooooo much more. (When I say we all, I am excluding my friend, who shall remain nameless, who somehow confused Carlin for George Burns - a true genius in his own right but COME ON!!!!!!!)

Vanity Fair put up a really great HBO special yesterday. What Am I Doing In New Jersey was a great sample of his ramblings and rants.

Of course, there's more, but for today (or at least for now), that's what I have going on in that space between my ears.