Monday, October 17, 2011

What I Did(n't) Do During My Summer (non) Holiday

For those of you who may not know, I spent my summer managing the Cornwall Farmers' Market in downtown Cornwall. Of course, I had intended to do a tremendous amount of blogging, both about the experience of being part of the market as it was in grown stage and also about meeting the vendors etc. That didn't happen and I'm not writing today to dwell about it. Instead, I'm going to take a few minutes to ask to the blogging universe for suggestions slightly more convincing than "just do it" to get me off my (ahem) procrastinating behind.

Until then, I shall just say I attended BizFest today. It is the first annual event put together by Cornwall's Chamber of Commerce. The speaker today, and in fact, for most of the event, is Gerry Visca. I'll write more (I'd say I promise but well...) about my experience shortly but first I promised some people I'd actually update my also errant foodblog.


Steph said...

So you have TWO blogs your not writing for? Why don't you just combine them? Why does one have to be JUST about food and the other about everything else you don't write about?

Sad to say, but if you really want to do this on a regular basis, you're going to have to schedule it in. 15 minutes is all you need, ... do it on the crapper!

kwrites said...

LOL - well, Steph, they COULD be combined - but I'm gonna try to be a bit more diligent for a bit and see where that takes me.

However, I'll keep your bathroom option on the back burner - just in case. ;)